Home and the Meaning It Gives


Home and the Meaning It Gives

Home. A simple four-letter word. When someone asks you, how would you define it? Home can be the town you lived at when you were little. Home can be the house you grew up in and the familiar sights, sounds, tastes, and smells that are as familiar to you as the sun rise each day and set each night. It can be the physical location you reside in and the community it grants.

Home can be conversations with loved ones at the dinner table about anything and everything. It can be talking with your friends over a cup of hot tea or coffee. It can be the person you long to be with after a hard day’s work and envision to be with forever. It can be vacations we adored and memories we will always cherish. It can be places that we connected to and became a part of us.

We may have differing opinions about it but a sense of home can surely manifest in a multitude of ways. But ultimately, humans naturally crave a sense of belonging. We’ll further explain this on the next part.

And since home is very important to us, design should, too. This is easily achieved by incorporating texture, color and interesting details in ways that won’t break the bank e.g. adding a room by modifying the floor plan, using LED lighting.

While natural light aka Biophilic designed homes (one of the 2019 home design trends), how is it going to be possible for you to inject elements of a great home design at night, too? And yes, it would be great to look at come nighttime. But would it also be equally great to experience during daytime? What are the other factors that you want your home to embody? What feeling would you like it to invoke when visitors come by and stay at your home?

These questions are worth mulling over if we want our homes to have meaning.

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